A laboratory scientist working in the Chemistry Haematology laboratory at the IHVN Campus in Abuja
- Establishing a network of three bio-repositories (Abuja, Jos and Zaria) expanding to become the H3A West Africa Regional Biorepository providing support to 12 H3Africa funded projects and investigators in five African countries.
- Providing technical support to set up a functional National biorepository at the NCDC National Reference Laboratory in Gaduwa.
- Designing and setting up the National Influenza Laboratory at Asokoro District Hospital with funding from US-CDC.
- Providing Technical Assistance in the establishment of a functional Mega PCR laboratory at the National Reference Lab (NRL) coordinated through NCDC.
- Providing technical assistance to Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) surveillance sites and National Reference Laboratories of NCDC in implementing the External Quality Assurance program, including the Veterinary diagnostic laboratories.
- Supporting the National TB and Leprosy Control Program in providing Proficiency Testing panels for AFB Microscopy, GeneXpert, Line Probe Assay, and TB Culture & Drug Susceptibility Testing. IHVN provides Technical Assistance to the Government of Nigeria on Post Market Verification (PMV) of HIV Rapid test kits, GeneXpert MTB/RIF Cartridges, and other kits and reagents. Etc.

Senior Biotech Officer, Unit Head Laboratory Equipment Maintenance Unit

Unit Head, Molecular Diagnostics

Deputy Director/HOD laboratory